What has made you smile this week? Whether big or small finding things everyday that make you smile can make a big impact on your gratitude (and your attitude!)
This was an easy topic for me to write about today because we have had a really fun week and lots to smile about, it will be hard to narrow it down to just 5!
My 5 Smiles for this week were:
1. Friends!
We have dear friends that moved to another state a few years ago and we were able to meet up at a campground and spend a couple hours Friday night and all day Saturday with them. Not only did we get to see friends that we miss so much but we also had such a fun time hiking trails, playing in a creek, making s'mores, grilling out, etc.
Made some great memories that will bring a smile to my face each time I think about this weekend.
2. Legos
Yes, I know that sounds kinda funny coming from an adult, but the other morning I was on the floor in the middle of doing pilates before the kids were up, I look over and see this: the boys had set up their ninja turtle legos on what was built as a western set. For some reason it just brought such a smile to my face. Just a silly thing, but I thought it was cute how they left it set up like that (verses leaving them just lying around everywhere like usual!) Whenever I see evidence of my kids creativity and imagination it makes my heart happy!
3. Kids doing something new
We went to a local small farm with a friend this week and two of my girls rode a pony for the first time. Again, this is just a simple thing but seeing their faces as they sat up on their little horse really made me smile.
4. Zucchini & Summer
Another funny choice! This past week my second daughter, Summer, turned 9 years old, instead of wanting cake for her birthday she wanted to help me make zucchini bread. She is unique and she makes me smile! (and btw, in my opinion, zucchini bread is much more yummy than cake!)

5. Completing a Bible Study book
It always feels good to accomplish something, and finishing up this bible study made me smile this week. Looking at the book itself brings me joy just because it has nice colorful pictures, but this study was filled with so much insight too. Soon, I would like to write a post on some of the highlights in the study that caught my attention.
Thanks for reading about my 5 smiles and thank you to Mrs. Disciple for coming up with enjoyable topics to write on.
I hope you will think about 5 (at least) things that have made you smile this week.
It's easy to go about our busy lives and forget to really look at the things that make us smile. Having a habit of focusing on the positives and the things that make you smile even when things aren't going so well can make all the difference.
Great post! It's true that we can always find something to smile about. Here are my Friday Five Smiles http://emptyplatefullheart.com/2015/08/07/friday-five-smiles/