Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Rainbow Baby is 6 months old!

Hey, everyone!  I know I haven't written much recently at all, in a way I feel like I achieved the purpose I started this blog for in the beginning…to share my story of losing my babies. http://lifewithlotsakiddos.blogspot.com/2015/02/my-2nd-trimester-loss.html

 I do like to write though, when I make the time for it, so I will continue to do so on and off, if that’s ok?? :) And, of course, I wanted to give a quick update since my sweet rainbow baby is now SIX months old!! 

Life is a bit chaotic (overwhelming/
crazy!)  at times, keeping up with 7 children including homeschooling, so I have had trouble finding time to just sit down and write when I can actually focus on what I want to say!  I started a post a few months ago about having a teenager, baby, (and several in between) but I got like a paragraph into it and then got busy with something, or most likely SOMEONE else, and never went back to finish it….whoops!

I can’t believe it’s been six months since I gave birth to baby Dylan, he has changed so much already though, he’s huge!  He has big chunky legs and rolls on his wrists! It’s so funny!  He sure does love mommy’s milk and still nurses like every 2 hours during the day, even through the night there are some nights he will eat every two hours, and some nights he will go longer in between.  He has been going through a growth spurt or something and waking up even more than when he was a newborn, so that can get exhausting…but he did better last night, so there’s hope!

I am SOOO thankful that he is part of our family, we are all crazy about him!  He gets too much attention if that’s possible, which I would say it isn't possible except for the fact that now he’s pretty spoiled and will only nap in a baby wrap attached to me and always wants someone to talk to him and play with him, ALWAYS, haha!  I am “trying” to get him to nap in a crib, it worked once recently for 20 minutes. That’s it.  I will keep trying.  I don't really mind him napping attached to me (I love having him snuggled up against me!) but I think it might help him do better during the night if he would sleep alone for naps some, plus it would be nice to be able to get more done during his naps…so we’ll see how it goes. 

Every morning my other sons, ages 6 & 7, come jumping up on the bed to see baby Dylan and he loves it, he smiles and laughs at them and they are so happy to see him, it totally melts my heart, one of my favorite times of the day for sure.

I can't imagine our life without him...I think a lot about our babies we lost, and I guess that just makes me even more thankful for Dylan, more attached to him (he's 6 months old and I have only left the house without him twice, for like an hour or less each time!) more emotional and sentimental about him, more protective of him...he was worth the wait, he was worth going through everything.  I don't know "why" we had to go through the storms but I do trust in God's plan.  He is my rainbow.  And it's hard to believe he is halfway to one year old already! Slow down time!!