Thursday, March 24, 2016

36 week Pregnancy Update

36 weeks!! Getting close! 
36 weeks

I've been getting ultrasounds every week and everything has been looking great, all the main things the doctors are watching out for like fluid levels and the placenta have all been exactly what they should be.  And baby Dylan is growing perfectly, today at the ultrasound he was measuring approximately 5 lbs 8 oz.  I am 1 cm dilated. 

It's fun getting to see him every week!  One week I saw him sticking out his tongue, another he was yawning, twice they have told me he has a lot of hair (I didn't even know you could find that out at an ultrasound!), today I watched him stick his fist in his mouth! 

I love watching my belly move all time, he makes my stomach all lopsided with his moves, it's very entertaining!  And I love love love that constant reminder and reassurance that he's in there growing and doing well.  (I'm very much enjoying being pregnant if you can't tell!)

Of course, as much as I am enjoying the pregnancy I am also SOOO excited for the day to finally come when I get to hold him! I can hardly think about that moment with out getting teary, we've been through a lot to get to that point and when it actually comes it will be beyond emotional I'm sure.

Only a few more weeks left now, at the end of the day I am a bit swollen and for some reason my shins have been bothering me (which I don't remember having that in the other pregnancies), it's definitely hard to bend over and reach my feet, I get tired/worn out easily, and I get pains from ligaments pulling often but really those are all minor things and for the most part I can say I still feel pretty good, especially for being 9 months pregnant!  It's a good pregnancy and I am just happy to be pregnant so I can't complain.    
35 weeks

It seems kind of funny for me to say it's been a good pregnancy because there's so much of it that has been a roller coaster...finding out about the MTHFR genetic mutation (and a blood clotting issue) at the very beginning, the intense fears of another loss, the bad morning sickness, the constant doctor apps., the bright spot on his heart, needing to get the weekly ultrasounds now because I'm higher risk for things, hasn't necessarily been an "easy" or "normal" pregnancy in those terms....But's been a good pregnancy, and all those things just have made me that much more thankful for everything that is going so great.  Despite worries of the higher risk and things that could have gone wrong I am just praising God that Dylan is continuing to grow wonderfully inside me, I couldn't ask for more.  He is already a delight! 
fist at mouth


Sunday, March 6, 2016

*linkup*Patience and Kindness

Hey! I just realized that I never shared the link to the Patience and Kindness post I wrote for the Me Too Mom community blog last month.

I am finishing up a bible study book called Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood and the post came after reading the chapter about letting go of harshness and anger.  Reading that chapter came at the perfect time for me, it was just during a period of feeling extra low on patience.  I love when that happens, when I come across exactly what I need to hear, or be reminded of, at the exact right time!  And happy to say that I am currently feeling better about that area of motherhood.

Here is the link if you would like to read the post!

On a related note, I was reading part of the last chapter of the book this evening which talks about God's grace for us as mother's when we fall short and how it compares to the kind of grace we should in turn show our children.

Two phrases the author said that I underlined where:

"Parenting our children gracefully means that we treat their sin with the same gentleness we'd want to receive."

"Our children need our correction, and they also desperately need our understanding.  Gracious parenting begins by daily recognizing our own need for grace."

I actually haven't even finished the chapter yet but I like what she said there and wanted to share it!