Sunday, March 6, 2016

*linkup*Patience and Kindness

Hey! I just realized that I never shared the link to the Patience and Kindness post I wrote for the Me Too Mom community blog last month.

I am finishing up a bible study book called Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood and the post came after reading the chapter about letting go of harshness and anger.  Reading that chapter came at the perfect time for me, it was just during a period of feeling extra low on patience.  I love when that happens, when I come across exactly what I need to hear, or be reminded of, at the exact right time!  And happy to say that I am currently feeling better about that area of motherhood.

Here is the link if you would like to read the post!

On a related note, I was reading part of the last chapter of the book this evening which talks about God's grace for us as mother's when we fall short and how it compares to the kind of grace we should in turn show our children.

Two phrases the author said that I underlined where:

"Parenting our children gracefully means that we treat their sin with the same gentleness we'd want to receive."

"Our children need our correction, and they also desperately need our understanding.  Gracious parenting begins by daily recognizing our own need for grace."

I actually haven't even finished the chapter yet but I like what she said there and wanted to share it!

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