Sunday, August 30, 2015

Back-to-Homeschool: What Our New School Year Has Looked Like So Far

We officially started our new homeschool year about a month and a half ago…we haven’t made a whole lot of progress but we have had a lot of fun.  It is still summertime (end of August) so I am pretty relaxed about our school routines.  We like to get a head start on the new school year and typically work year around at least somewhat, but having fun with friends or getting outside when the weather is nice still trumps "schoolwork" every time! 

I will start out by admitting the NOT-so-good:

-Our first experiment (4th grader, but all kids involved) of the new year was a FAIL…the second one turned out better though!

-We have already fought over math (7th grade math is no joke!). 

-2nd grader gets discouraged over reading.  She really wants to read well and loves books but it just hasn't totally clicked for her.

-1st grader & Kindergartener still just want to play all day and haven't done a whole lot of “schoolwork” yet. (they are s-l-o-w-l-y easing into it ;)

This school year will be a work in progress but overall I think it will go well, maybe (ok, definitely) not completely smoothly, but I’m sure they will learn a lot! 

What IS going well: 

-My two oldest girls are working on a lot of history and bible together this year.  

-We are getting everyone involved with our science experiments which is fun!  

-We are doing a “Lego club” where another homeschool mom is putting together educational activities involving legos twice a month, all the kids are enjoying this!

-My preschooler can't get enough of her preschool stuff and asks to do it on nights and weekends too!

-My oldest boy (first grader) loves math!  That is when I can pry him away from his legos and ninja turtles long enough to do it!  Good news here is that usually if I wait for him to say he wants to do it then he will go a head and do a bunch of pages at once, so I kinda let him decide when he does it.  Plus he uses math in a lot of ways that doesn't involve a math book.

-My 7th grader often gets a jump start on her school work before everyone else has even had breakfast if she knows we have a busy day ahead of us, I like that she uses her time wisely.

What I am liking so far for our school year is just the flexibly.  We have had days where we spent hours inside at our school tables (usually those are the rainy days!) but then we also have days where we have spent hours at the museum, zoo, creek, and parks. It has been a good balance.  

Life has also been busy with doctor’s appointments, story times with friends, running errands, morning sickness, etc. No day is the same as the one before, we are getting our schoolwork in when we can and not stressing about it when we can’t.  

We will work our way into more of a schedule/routine as the school year continues, at least that’s the plan!

Although we do use pieced together curriculums, I tend have a lot of “unschooling” tendencies and ideals in me. 
(Fossil park)
 (Parky's Farm)
 (scooters at the skatepark) 
(Heritage Village)

Friday, August 21, 2015

Writing for a community of moms!

Recently I have had the opportunity to become one of the writers for Me Too Moments For Moms at

I am so glad and grateful to announce that my first post published on there featured my story of Trey.  
I wanted to also share what Lisa Brown from the community wrote on Facebook as she shared my post:

"I want to give Shannon Mangicaro a big thanks for sharing her story with our Me Too Moments For Moms - Community For Moms - Shannon is one of our newest writers in our community and her desire is to encourage others. She shares with us a moment and time in her life that was the hardest time for her ever. In sharing her story, she hopes to help others. She shows through her words how precious life is. This post is dedicated to Trey her baby who is in Heaven. Thank you friend for being open and vulnerable. Thank you for glorifying God and showing us how every little baby matters no matter what age. Your are a beautiful person and we are blessed to have you in our community."

Lisa always has such kind and encouraging words to say and makes me be even more excited to be a part of their writing team! I felt it was important to start out my writing for them with that story, but I also look forward to writing about homeschooling, my new pregnancy, motherhood, etc. in the months to come for that community. 

I know most of you have read my second trimester loss story but if you get a moment I would love for you come on over to the community and not only check out my story (link here) there but also someone else’s, there are lot of great writers and a big variety of topics being featured.

Thanks everyone!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Baby On The Way!

A few days ago I got a very special early birthday present…I’m pregnant!  

It is super SUPER early but I can hardly contain my excitement!  

I know typically it's not very common to do a big announcement so early, but I don't care, I can't NOT talk about it. I want people to know, I want the prayers and the support.  I have been very open with our losses and with wanting to have another baby, so of course I am going to be open and want to write about getting pregnant again!  

I had an appointment with a maternal fetal medicine doctor Thursday afternoon, which happened to be right at when I would have been due to start my period so I took the test that morning so that I would know before the appointment.

I was quite shocked when it was positive!!!  We have been not preventing and/or/trying for 6 months and I had prepared myself for another negative test like the previous months.  It is hard to describe what I felt when I saw those two lines…

Excitement... I just had to jump up and down….eeeeekkkk!

Thankfulness…  I thank God more than anything for allowing me to get pregnant again. 

Relief…  I had been questioning if I would ever have the privilege to be pregnant again.

Peace…  I have so much peace in my heart with this pregnancy. I know God is in control and I believe we didn't get pregnant right away months ago because He was waiting for this specific time, this was His timing. 

Anticipation... Very much looking forward a new baby to love and grow our family!

Joy… My heart smiles at the thought of having a baby growing inside me.

It is pretty amazing how an extra line on a stick can change everything!

It is pretty amazing how something as small as a poppyseed can already change how you feel physically. I had been feeling exhausted and had increased appetite several days before I even tested.

So, I had my appt. that afternoon, the Dr. had me start taking a baby aspirin after seeing a slightly abnormal level with a blood-clotting thing (I don't know all the fancy names) according to the blood tests I had done in June.  Then she ordered several more blood tests to rule anything else out or to see if there are any other steps we need to take besides just the baby aspirin (and of course the prenatal vitamin I have already been taking) to make sure the doctors and I are doing everything we can for a healthy pregnancy.  I know, unfortunately too well, that there are no guarantees, BUT I am very confident in this pregnancy and in God's hand in this.  

As the happy reality is sinking in, along with morning sickness gearing up a bit already, I am just constantly thanking God.  When I pray, I pray for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, of course, but more than anything I pray to tell the Lord THANK YOU!

I would appreciate all your prayers during this pregnancy!  I will be giving many updates, I'm sure! 

Birthday gift from my mom :)
Cherish...Awaiting a Miracle

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Five-Smiles! (Link up)

I enjoyed doing the link up post last week because it gave me a fun topic to write about, this weeks link up with Mrs. Disciple is Five-Smiles.

What has made you smile this week? Whether big or small finding things everyday that make you smile can make a big impact on your gratitude (and your attitude!)

This was an easy topic for me to write about today because we have had a really fun week and lots to smile about, it will be hard to narrow it down to just 5!

My 5 Smiles for this week were:

1. Friends!

We have dear friends that moved to another state a few years ago and we were able to meet up at a campground and spend a couple hours Friday night and all day Saturday with them.  Not only did we get to see friends that we miss so much but we also had such a fun time hiking trails, playing in a creek, making s'mores, grilling out, etc.

Made some great memories that will bring a smile to my face each time I think about this weekend.

2. Legos

Yes, I know that sounds kinda funny coming from an adult, but the other morning I was on the floor in the middle of doing pilates before the kids were up, I look over and see this: the boys had set up their ninja turtle legos on what was built as a western set.  For some reason it just brought such a smile to my face.  Just a silly thing, but I thought it was cute how they left it set up like that (verses leaving them just lying around everywhere like usual!)  Whenever I see evidence of my kids creativity and imagination it makes my heart happy!

3. Kids doing something new

We went to a local small farm with a friend this week and two of my girls rode a pony for the first time. Again, this is just a simple thing but seeing their faces as they sat up on their little horse really made me smile.

4.  Zucchini & Summer

Another funny choice! This past week my second daughter, Summer, turned 9 years old, instead of wanting cake for her birthday she wanted to help me make zucchini bread.   She is unique and she makes me smile!  (and btw, in my opinion, zucchini bread is much more yummy than cake!)
5.  Completing a Bible Study book

It always feels good to accomplish something, and finishing up this bible study made me smile this week.  Looking at the book itself brings me joy just because it has nice colorful pictures, but this study was filled with so much insight too.  Soon, I would like to write a post on some of the highlights in the study that caught my attention.

Thanks for reading about my 5 smiles and thank you to Mrs. Disciple for coming up with enjoyable topics to write on. 

I hope you will think about 5 (at least) things that have made you smile this week. 

 It's easy to go about our busy lives and forget to really look at the things that make us smile.  Having a habit of focusing on the positives and the things that make you smile even when things aren't going so well can make all the difference.   

Saturday, August 1, 2015

5-Soul-Fillers! (link up)

I am linking up with Mrs.Disciple at, the topic is Five-Soul-Fillers!  She talks about Jessica Turner’s book The Fringe Hours which is about finding that space in your day to do things that give you joy and feed your soul.

When I think of filling my soul the first thought that comes to mind is quiet time sitting with a cup of coffee, an inspirational book, and my bible.  But that’s not the only way to feel your soul being filled up, sometimes it is just doing something fun, taking some time for yourself, seeing things from a new perspective…

How do you know when you are running low in this area? 

For me, I know I am in need of having my soul filled when I get into a “funk” and can’t even pin-point why, or when I start snapping at someone for no good reason, or when I start to let things get to me or hurt my feelings too easily…..

The causes and/or evidence of us running on “empty” may be different but the fact is it happens to all of us.  We stretch ourselves too thin too often and we need to make sure we are carving out that time to feed our souls so that we can give our best.  

These are my 5 soul-fillers, five things I try to incorporate into life that help me have that balance:  
currently on my nightstand

  1. Reading
I love to read and it is probably the one “hobby” or interest I try to do every single day.  Whether it is a bible study, an encouraging christian living book, or an “I-can’t-put-this-book-down” novel…I just love to read.  I usually have one of each of those type of books going at all times…and then ones waiting to start as soon as those are finished :)

2. Getting Creative

I have always been the “artsy” type…I don’t know if I could pick a favorite outlet for this but the thing I do most often to get creative is scrapbooking because it is something that I feel is benefitting the family as well, my kids love looking at our scrapbooks and I know the photos will be even more special as they get older and we can all look back on them.  I also paint, draw, sew, etc….not everything I make turns out great but I enjoy doing it. 

3. Writing

As a kid I wrote lengthy stories, short stories with illustrations, and diaries.  As an adult I write blog posts and journals.  I quit writing for several years, telling myself that I just didn’t have the time but I started writing again after my first miscarriage last April and getting back into it has really helped me in so many ways personally and I have felt called to try to help others through writing, as well.  

4. Exercise

One of my favorite things to do to give my mood a quick boost is to grab my phone (for music) or my kindle (if I want a slower paced work out) and get on my elliptical.  Taking 30 minutes or so to rejuvenate mind and body just feels great.  I also like to do pilates and yoga.  Recently I did a 90-day Bikini-Body Mommy Challenge and while it was nice to have that “challenge” and mix things up, work different muscles, etc. it wasn't that soul-filling work out I look forward to, so I’m glad thats over!

5. Studying my children

I will totally admit that a lot of times all the demands/frustrations/busyness of the kids can be a reason that my soul is feeling empty but there is something about taking the time to slow down and really watch them that fills my soul.  Fills me with thankfulness. Melts my heart. Sometimes it’s when they are outside laughing and playing saying “Look what I can do!”.  Sometimes it’s when one of them is just sitting quietly doing their own thing oblivious to me looking at them.  Other times it’s seeing something they have made or done that just reflects who they are, their imagination or talents.  Nothing can make you feel closer to God quite like a child can. 

I could list several more…music…mom’s nights out…date nights in….

What fills your soul? What can you take the time to do in your life to give you more joy and keep you from running around on empty?